Thursday, September 10, 2015


What Makes "LadyHawke" Medieval?

On our first day of Dr. Francis's Medieval Literature course the class was asked the question "What do you think of when you hear the word 'Medieval'"? We came up with a list of stereotypical terms related to the word that we have come across through different modern medias "based" during the Medieval time. Here I have taken some of the most common ideas associated with the Medieval age and applied them to Richard Donner's 1985 romance film "LadyHawke".


Plot Summary: A thief called “the Mouse” escapes the dungeons of the kingdom L’Aquila, dooming two lovers to lifelong separation by a corrupt bishop’s dark curse. By day the beautiful Isabeau is transformed into a hawk, while at night the brave Navarre becomes a wolf. Imperius, the monk who betrayed them, has found a way to break the curse, but only if he and "the Mouse" can get the two lovers into L'Aquila to face the Bishop.

The first things I think about when I consider the Medieval period are knights. Imagine, a strong knight upon his white stead, charging towards me as I await his me shivers just thinking about it. The life of the Medieval Knights centers around enhancing their Knightly skills in the use of weapons, horsemanship and medieval warfare. It was the duty of a Knight to learn how to fight and so serve their Lord according to the Code of Chivalry. The Code of Chivalry dictated that a Knight should be brave and fearless in battle but would also exhibit cultured Knightly qualities showing themselves to be devout, courteous and generous. In "LadyHawke" the protagonist knight is named Navarre. Navarre has been hunted by the Bishop's men for two years, ever since he escaped with the Lady Isabeau who the Bishop has lusted after.

You can not just go around fighting "bad guys" willy-nilly; you have to be dressed appropriately. For example, armor is a good choice when being stabbed at with swords. Although, throughout the majority of the movie, Navarre dresses in cloth garments, he adorns himself in steel armor when he fights against one of the Bishop's knights in order to defeat the Bishop. Medieval Knight Armor provided essential body protection from the various weapons which were used in battle. The parts of a suit of armor were a complex series of garments, chain mail and iron plate which served to provide leg armor, feet armor, arms, head armor, neck armor and body armor. 


Christianized varieties of magic were devised during the Medieval times (under the control of the Church). Tales were told of the power of relics of the saints to work miracles, not only to heal the sick, but for purposes like swaying the outcome of a battle. However, magic can also be used for selfish purposes. In "LadyHawke" the Bishop uses magic to punish Navarre and Isabeau because of his lust. By day Isabeau is a hawk and Navarre is a human, however, once the sun goes down Isabeau turns into a woman and Navarre transforms into a black wolf. 

Like with any heroic romance tale during the Medieval ages there is a quest. Quests were designed to show allegiance to a certain lord or lady.  They might involve traveling into a distant land to retrieve a certain item, or capturing a city or Lord.  Many quests were given to the Crusaders, holy warriors that traveled on missions to convert others to Christianity. In LadyHawke, Navarre's quest for true love is to find a way to break the curse laid upon him, and his fair maiden Isabeau, with the help of his companions "the mouse" and the guilty Monk.

Crossbow: The crossbow was easy to use, requiring minimal training and required little strength to operate. The crossbow could be used by an untrained soldier to injure or kill a knight in plate armor. The crossbow, itself, was therefore viewed as an inhuman weapon which required no skill and had no honor.

Sword: The Medieval Swords was predominantly used by a Medieval Knight. There were many different types and styles of Medieval swords which formed part of the Medieval Swords history the names of the different Medieval swords included the Broadsword, Falchion sword, Longsword, Scimitar, and Greatsword. A Falchion sword was favoured by some Medieval Knights who had been on Crusade. This sword was similar to a heavy scimitar. The Medieval Falchion swords had a short, heavy blade with a single edge.

Both weapons can be seen being used throughout the movie

During the Medieval period Horses were used for more than just running around barrels and plowing fields. They were used as main transportation, as well as allies in battle. There is barely a moment in this movie where Navarre is not riding his trusty stead either for distance or towards an enemy in battle.

Dungeons were buried deep inside the castle keep where prisoners were housed in complete darkness before trial. These are not nice places to chill before the big event. They were usually damp, sickness inducing, insect/vermin ridden, and vile. No wonder the "Mouse" wanted to escape!

Roman Catholic Church was the single most influential and unifying body in the Middle Ages. The hierarchy of the church from high to low was as follows: Pope, Cardinals, Arch Bishop, Bishop, Priest, Monk and Nun.


Bishops in the Middle Ages were very important as far as the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church is concerned. Bishops had become so powerful that it was mandatory for the king to take orders and consult the Bishop in everyday affairs over the state. In fact the Bishops were considered above all the heads of states in whole Europe even in the Holy Roman Emperor. The bishop in "LadyHawke"" used his power as head of the realm to control L’Aquila and seek vengeance.



Medieval Monks chose to renounce all worldly life and goods and spend their lives working under the strict routine and discipline of life in a Medieval Monastery.They chose to live a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience. While Imperius,the Monk, was doing his obedient duty by following the Bishops orders to lay a curse upon Navarre and Isabeau, he feels guilty after realizing that he had committed a sin. In order to be forgiven by God, Imperius, along with the "Mouse" help the love birds break the curse.



  1. I really like the organization of the blog post. The pictures are placed appropriately and there is a great amount of content. However, I don't really feel like there was an ending! I think you stopped talking quite abruptly, and I was surprised because this was really a good read!

    Thanks for all the information on this film. There is a lot in here that I have never thought about before.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with Talia, I think this is a totally different way to organize your blog that I didn't even consider, you did a great job organizing all of the different aspects and made sure to include as much as possible, which is awesome! I especially liked the section on magic. Overall, great job
